Previously I've owned Altec Lansing and Swan computer speakers. These speakers, despite (or maybe because of?) the THX certification, don't provide very good sound quality, and they haven't lasted very long either. True Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 speakers are mediocre

Not a huge problem for me, but might be for some other people. My only complaint about this is that the headphone jack is not on the front of the control pod, and that the power switch is on the subwoofer. You'll know these parts are starting to go out when you start hearing poppping noises even though there is no signal to the speakers. So, if your stuff ever breaks, you'll be able to repair it yourself. However, they sell these replacement and upgraded parts on eBay. The speaker wires are also not the best of quality. The most common failure of this is the din plug and the control pod. It's a very simple setup, but there are some weakpoints. I have friends and family that have been through mutiple sets already. Once mine break, I will be getting another set. The sound is crisp and cear, and the ported sub is loud and sharp. This is what I recommend when people ask me for computer speakers, or small speakers for their TV. These speakers have been available for a really long time. Excellent purchase, and I would do it again in a heartbeat! Will make your ears happy and keep your room uncluttered. Pros? Simple great set of 2.1 if you lack the space like me for a 5.1 system. Cons? Sometimes I knock the speakers over because the stands on the speakers are relatively light and top heavy, but compared to speakers from logitech and other companies that I see in store, this seems to be somewhat the norm.

All the buttons work fine, none of the text has smudged, and both speakers work as well as the day I brought them home. I have been using these speakers however, for almost 8 years now, and I have never needed to have them repaired and nothing has broken on it. However, I am not an audiophile, so take that into consideration. This is as no frills a system as you can get while retaining faithful sound reproduction. The headphone port in the speaker itself is also useful. They look stylish, and are very functional. You get very rich sounds even at lower volumes. These speakers often go on sale, and they are an incredible value.